Friday, 13 July 2012


assalamualaikum  and a very good day..may Allah bless in whatever you are doing dear :) so with the name of Allah..i would like to start my day today with writing a post on ermmmm...what we call it??a peace in mind?? lately I've been in very hard situation and somehow affected my mind..keep worrying on what will happen next ,feels lonely..and i end up lying on the bed without doing nothing for the whole day !!! for real  ??? the whole day ??yeah minus the time that i go to the toilet..solat n eat..i guess... and at the end of the day..What's wrong with me???Luckily..alhmdulilah..the bulatan gembira happen to be on my long..full of emptiness by night..i get myself again..n its true..

It is the remembrance of Allah that provides tranquility to the hearts;) (13:28)

so thank you Allah..thank you very very much... kepada di luar sane.if terasa tak tenang..serabut..rungsing..lonely..give it a try..betulkan niat..niat lakukan sesuatu itu kerana Allah..amik wuduk..dduk kejap..quran 1 page..iA u will be recover...just again in the next post..iA :D Assalamualaikum...

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

the 11th Hour

Salam and a very good day dear brothers and sisters..eh2 post kali ni tak ada number2 dah ke mawad??huhu 11th tu bukan number ker???The 11 th Hour..sure ramai yang tau pasal the 11th hour ni based on Contengan Jalanan-Hlovate..kan2..

"The man who decided to change on the 12th hour dies on the 11th"

woah...apa yang korang rasa bila baca phrase kat atas tu..pening??tak faham??tak bagi makna apa2 pon?so hi-5..sbb ak dulu pun macam tu jugak.. tak ambik pusing sangat pun pasal benda laa dapat pun dari novel kan..novel yang kita baca untuk suka2 je ..sehingga lah suatu hari phrase ni semakin femes plak dlam kalangan budak2 remaja macam kita ni kan..:P..phrase ni diulang2..dalam fb ade,dlam twitter ade,dalam kelas pon cerite benda sama..antara kawan2 pon sama sampai lah benda ni menusuk ke hati..masa ni dah baca buku ni untuk kali kedua aaa kan..baru sedar..haih...

kalau tengok pada ayat secara kasarnya boleh lah nak ditafsirkan sebagai mati tak sampai hajat...tapi masalah nya..hajat ape tu??sampai menyesal sangat??nk kata kalau tak sempat kaya dah mati..ak tengok dalam drama2 tu ada ramai je miskin tapi bila mati senyum jer..tak mcam tu??kalau nak kata tak sempat kawin..weyh kalau kawin pun..ur partner tu tak teman pon kite dalam kubur nanti dok??tak sempat nak pro main sume alat muzik..ermm.. mungkin aa agak aa menyesal tapiii again benda tu tak bawa mati pun..kalau mati nnt tak de pon tuhan nak tanya dah main dah sume alat muzik??erkkk..SNAP!! so tu laaa  jawapannya..

macam kita..exam..kita akan cakp ni kalau tak baca spot ni menyesal..kenapa baca spot tu di jadikan satu benda yang mesti di buat sebelum masuk exam??sbb benda tu laa yang akan ditanya nanti kan..kaaaann...pastu kalau tak bca dah aa menyesal pastu kalau tak pass.. lagiii laaa HAru!same goes to life..aku sendiri dah dduk kat dunia ni nearly 19 tahun.tapi tak sedar2 jugak ap main point kite dduk kt bumi nie..tak fham kan! dah dduk punya lama baru nak tnya knapa kita kat sini..macam  tengok dah kat klimaks kita baru tanya ni cter ap ek..kalau sempat tau ap tajuk nye masa tengah2 cter tahan aa lagi..tapi kalau dah dduk 2 jam sampai nama director pon dah keluar..panggung pun dah terang tak tau..tak tau  jugak cter tu cter ap..tak ke rugi senaaah oit??

so the main point is..bila kita mati nanti soalan yang akan ditanya semuanya dah dibongkarkan..cuma amal je nk kne sediakan agar nnt bila tiba saat dan ketika nya dia petah berbicara pada malaikat Mungkar dan cari matlamat hidup..kembali laah wahai saudara ku..pesanan untuk diri juga..ada banyak perkara yang menarik yang ada dalam dunia ini..ada bnyak juga perkara yang boleh diikut..tapi ada lagi perkara yang lagi best lagi damai lagi tenang lagi cooooll yang boleh diikut iaitu pastinya deen kita..ISLAM...

pernah rasa kosong kat situ??*jari smbil tunjuk2 tmpt jantung berada* kan..ak pon pernah cakap sebab tak da org yg disayangi kot...tpi ak ada family ak pon ada kawan2 ak jgak punya special bf..tapi sume tu tak beri apa2 ketenangan kecuali Dia..pemilik mutlak hati ini..pasti hati itu ingin kembali pada Penciptanya..sebab tu dia rasa kosong sebab kita tk letak Dia dalam hati kita kan..akhir kata..jaga lah hati...beri dia peluang untuk bercinta dengan Penciptanya yang sememangnya dia rindui sejak diciptakan...;)wallahualam...

Saturday, 5 May 2012

number EiGht

assalamualaikum and a very good day..we meet again...hahaa...last week i have spent my whole time with my family..and one of the place that we visit is Masjid Shah Alam.Eventhough i have stayed here for about 7 months but yet i didn't get the opportunity to go here..Luckily the last day of my holiday which is day 5, my family went here to perform our Zohor solat.For the first time i enter the Masjid i feel something..something that very strange, a very calm feeling and of course it can't be describe in's just a very fantastic feeling..then i enter the solat hall..there's no 'penghadang' or curtain that seperated the man and woman..but yet it's very comfortable to peform salah here.

after perform the solat sunat tahiyatul masjid i can't stop crying. I don't know's just the feeling that i'm very safe there,flash back all the sins that i have commit, realizing that 'rahmat 'Allah are very wide.n its true..Allah is the most gracious and merciful master of the world...o Allah i'm sorry for all sins that i have commit.:'(  above all i would like to say..there's no doubt Islam is the deen..the true religion the one that can answer "where did we come from, why are we here, and where are we going" :)

p/s: kalau lalu masjid ni singah2 laa...seronok sngat ..:D

number SeVen..

assalamualaikum and a very good day dear brothers and last week is a very exciting week for me...thanks to Mr.Hizri..our beloved class rep. He managed to set all the replacement class so that all of us can "balik kampung" as we got 5 days leave..*tepuk tgn sikit*huhu..n as usual i went back to my hometown,Ipoh..and unfortunately luckily, i only spent a night in Ipoh...A NIGHT!!out of 5 nights i have...the next day my family and i went to terengganu and stay there for the whole week =.=...but i think its okay boleyh laa nk jmpa my fmily a few photo that i managed to capture.
bdak comel bnyak akal!! :D
my lovelY mom n my brothes...

the whole family..dinner .."yusuf mane???..Ntahlaa";)

both my parents at Istana Negara..
so that is all i want to story for this post..above all i would like to say that... i love all of  u  --> my family..

Thursday, 12 April 2012

number sIx

salam and a very good day folks...okay post kali ni jika dilihat pada tarikhnya pasti kalian2 yang sememangnya peka pada isu semasa rakyat msia pasti mengetahui  tentang amaran tsunami yg dikeluarkan dan telah pun ditarik balik...right???SOooooo...da question is....*Jeng..jeng..* adakah amaran dr Allah juga ditarik balik???OOH SNAP..sit ..and think *wink

but overall..praise to Him..everything is alright..tak da kemalangan jiwa dilaporkan...*eh ye ke??ko tak bce paper ni mawad...*okay sya mngaku sya pun tk tau ade kemalangan jiwa atau tidak...What actually i want to stress is..People..come on.. open your heart let our brain think..bila jadi sesuatu mcm musibah gempa bumi ni sure all of this very critical point u will plead and beg only to Him ..Right??so logical thinking...* plus minus plus minus so the answer will be....* deep in every soul we believes that there are the in this case..or should i change every case..the Creator is our Lord..Allah.. :D He's the most why not just turn to Him in every seconds not only in hard moments..but also in happy moments...peringtan untk dri sndiri offense..just want to invite ur brain to think ;) that's all i u all

Monday, 2 April 2012

HappY Bday dear :)

salam and... a very good day folks...tadaaaaaaa...huhu see the title of this post???happy bday dear????OMG *psssst* mawad has a new boyfriend...Oookaaay n cut!stop right there....okay post kali nie sememangnya khas bt someone yg special dalam hidup dear you...plizz balik rndu awak skang nie...tolong jga dri awak baik2...awak jauh tk dpat nk jaga saya harap sngat...relationship kite nie selamanya berkekaln...happy bday...smoga betmbah umur bertambh juga amal nye...harap kite sntiasa dalam redhaNya...i love you dear ;)

all this post was meant to be to my dearest, Shahira Amerudin :D

Friday, 30 March 2012

number fIVe

salam...and a veeerrryy good day this is the first day of sem 3 for my foundation in medical science.Even though our class do not start yet..but..its kind a the first day coz we have to go to msu to register for sem da day start with..ANEEN DRIVING THE UNSER...*pergghh*seriously all of us was very excited...*feel like to jumping around in the house right now*so bak kata iylia ' aneen dgn bemurah hati nya' telah menumpangkan kami ke msu..wooohooo...thanks a lot my dear :D so smpai je msu dftar sume2..beres...then aneen pn drop qeela,amalia n me at stesen ktm shah alam....again thnks to aneen...

so the journey start when qeela,amalia n me go to sunway pyramid usual tmpat lepak ktorg...smpai2 je teros g wayang beli all of us decided to watch 'The Hunger Games'..then ktorg pn gerak aaa ke mcD di mana sume dh kebulur giler2...berjalan dgn lajunya..n tetibe ak stop *eeekk...* SECRET RECIPE!!woooohooo....n ak pn teros berjalan dgn lajunya ke arah restrn tu...n strait teros msok kdai smpat pn nk ckp selamat pagi dkat abg waiter kat dpan tuu.....huhu...sorry ye=.=...n guess wat?

my APPLETISER...huuu sy sangaaat rndu dgan awak tau en.appletiser...sangat2 sye pn beli tnpa mngira bape ntah harga dia...then berlalu laa kami bertiga ke even ade coke tp appletiser sy skjap je hbis....sukee dia sngat2...;) after makan ktorg pn berjalan2 mncari hndbag sye plak...*errrkkk....rewind*HANDBAG!!tidaaaaakk...mawad dh pki hndbag???hahhaha..sbnrnye sy mngambil kputusan untk mmbeli jgak hndbag tu sbb...biler sy perasan koleksi bju2 sye yg hmpir sume nye mcm dh mncecah my kepala lutut so biler nk kuar kan purse nk selak bju tu smpi ke ats...rse sngat segan la plak...ewah...tetibe sy pn beli laa hndbang untk letak my purse, my knci ,my fon n segala bnda yg selama ni sy smpn dlm poket jer....:P hee...thnks to mr.f jgak..sume idea gler sume dtg dr dia..peace bro...;)

then jalan2...smayang...pastu ktorg pn masok aaa panggung..mmg bt panggung tu mcm ktorg pnye aaa..dah aa msok lmbat pstu bsing2 plak..huhhu...ktorg msok cter dah strt dalm 10-20 min aa mcm ktorg dpat catch up aa ap jadi sbnrnya cter tu....n i give double thumbs up untk cter nie...if ade skala 1-10.i give 12...hahhaa...melampau2 best nyer...tapi best gileeerrrrrr laaa cter nie...highly recommended...sumpah best... 

so tgok cter nie thap kepuasan dia sme dgan thap kepuasan mmbaca novel i am number four...sape yg tau mcm mne sy bce novel tu sure korg excited nk tgok cter sumpah best giler *okay mawad..ko dh repeat bnyak kali bnda tuu*after that ktorg pn pegi cari earfon plak...jalan2 beli each a cup...pastu ktorg pn balik laaa...

on the way balik tu plak...selalu tu kitorg naik je bas mini...teros ke ktm subang jaya..mse tu dah lewat sbnrnye so kmi bertiga pn amik kputusan naik je rapid kl yg mnuju ke subang parade...n nak jadi cerite...ktorg tak tau nk trun kat mane...teros terlajak naik hghway bagai...gileer betol....nseb aaa qeela lg genius ini telah mngajak ak n amalia trun jgak kat stu stesen ni yg ak tk tau aa ap nme dia...pastu dr situ...ktorg naik jejantas...jalan kaki...jauh jgak laa...dgn sebelah nye ade hghway..mmg adventure hbis...then ktorg pn smpai laaa kat stesen ktm setia jaya..which is dekat glerr dngan umah qeela...yg mak qeela plak tggu kat shah alam nk amik dia malam tu...mmg laa ktorg teroskn jgak aa perjalanan...n alhmdlilah berjaya laa kami sume selamat smpai kerumah...huhuhu
over all..mmg klau kuar dgn house mate..mmg ade je bnda boleyh jadi bahn...ape2 pn sy rse bersyukur glerr...dpat jgak melepaskn rndu dkat mr.appletiser tu,dpat beli headfon..yg dh lme sy mnderita tnpanya. n dapat tgokkk movie yg mmg woaaaaahh...berbaloi giler....sumpah best .*psst..ulang lagi*=.-

so  tu je aa kot for this post...c u next update..iA