Friday, 30 March 2012

number fIVe

salam...and a veeerrryy good day this is the first day of sem 3 for my foundation in medical science.Even though our class do not start yet..but..its kind a the first day coz we have to go to msu to register for sem da day start with..ANEEN DRIVING THE UNSER...*pergghh*seriously all of us was very excited...*feel like to jumping around in the house right now*so bak kata iylia ' aneen dgn bemurah hati nya' telah menumpangkan kami ke msu..wooohooo...thanks a lot my dear :D so smpai je msu dftar sume2..beres...then aneen pn drop qeela,amalia n me at stesen ktm shah alam....again thnks to aneen...

so the journey start when qeela,amalia n me go to sunway pyramid usual tmpat lepak ktorg...smpai2 je teros g wayang beli all of us decided to watch 'The Hunger Games'..then ktorg pn gerak aaa ke mcD di mana sume dh kebulur giler2...berjalan dgn lajunya..n tetibe ak stop *eeekk...* SECRET RECIPE!!woooohooo....n ak pn teros berjalan dgn lajunya ke arah restrn tu...n strait teros msok kdai smpat pn nk ckp selamat pagi dkat abg waiter kat dpan tuu.....huhu...sorry ye=.=...n guess wat?

my APPLETISER...huuu sy sangaaat rndu dgan awak tau en.appletiser...sangat2 sye pn beli tnpa mngira bape ntah harga dia...then berlalu laa kami bertiga ke even ade coke tp appletiser sy skjap je hbis....sukee dia sngat2...;) after makan ktorg pn berjalan2 mncari hndbag sye plak...*errrkkk....rewind*HANDBAG!!tidaaaaakk...mawad dh pki hndbag???hahhaha..sbnrnye sy mngambil kputusan untk mmbeli jgak hndbag tu sbb...biler sy perasan koleksi bju2 sye yg hmpir sume nye mcm dh mncecah my kepala lutut so biler nk kuar kan purse nk selak bju tu smpi ke ats...rse sngat segan la plak...ewah...tetibe sy pn beli laa hndbang untk letak my purse, my knci ,my fon n segala bnda yg selama ni sy smpn dlm poket jer....:P hee...thnks to mr.f jgak..sume idea gler sume dtg dr dia..peace bro...;)

then jalan2...smayang...pastu ktorg pn masok aaa panggung..mmg bt panggung tu mcm ktorg pnye aaa..dah aa msok lmbat pstu bsing2 plak..huhhu...ktorg msok cter dah strt dalm 10-20 min aa mcm ktorg dpat catch up aa ap jadi sbnrnya cter tu....n i give double thumbs up untk cter nie...if ade skala 1-10.i give 12...hahhaa...melampau2 best nyer...tapi best gileeerrrrrr laaa cter nie...highly recommended...sumpah best... 

so tgok cter nie thap kepuasan dia sme dgan thap kepuasan mmbaca novel i am number four...sape yg tau mcm mne sy bce novel tu sure korg excited nk tgok cter sumpah best giler *okay mawad..ko dh repeat bnyak kali bnda tuu*after that ktorg pn pegi cari earfon plak...jalan2 beli each a cup...pastu ktorg pn balik laaa...

on the way balik tu plak...selalu tu kitorg naik je bas mini...teros ke ktm subang jaya..mse tu dah lewat sbnrnye so kmi bertiga pn amik kputusan naik je rapid kl yg mnuju ke subang parade...n nak jadi cerite...ktorg tak tau nk trun kat mane...teros terlajak naik hghway bagai...gileer betol....nseb aaa qeela lg genius ini telah mngajak ak n amalia trun jgak kat stu stesen ni yg ak tk tau aa ap nme dia...pastu dr situ...ktorg naik jejantas...jalan kaki...jauh jgak laa...dgn sebelah nye ade hghway..mmg adventure hbis...then ktorg pn smpai laaa kat stesen ktm setia jaya..which is dekat glerr dngan umah qeela...yg mak qeela plak tggu kat shah alam nk amik dia malam tu...mmg laa ktorg teroskn jgak aa perjalanan...n alhmdlilah berjaya laa kami sume selamat smpai kerumah...huhuhu
over all..mmg klau kuar dgn house mate..mmg ade je bnda boleyh jadi bahn...ape2 pn sy rse bersyukur glerr...dpat jgak melepaskn rndu dkat mr.appletiser tu,dpat beli headfon..yg dh lme sy mnderita tnpanya. n dapat tgokkk movie yg mmg woaaaaahh...berbaloi giler....sumpah best .*psst..ulang lagi*=.-

so  tu je aa kot for this post...c u next update..iA

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

number fOUr

salam..ANd a verry good day folks...well post kali nie nk brcakap soal hati plak...pergh!!!*psstt..perasan tak tetibe je post kali ni bhasa melayu*=.=' okay fine..i write it in english...errr..waaaaa!!!tak boleyh!!tak boleyh!okay ak pasal bab2 hati n perasaan nie..sungguhlaa haru...ak mmg tak reti!!sbb tu ak kembali pada bhasa asal laa dah tak reti sesuatu tu dok sbok plak nk terang dlm bhasa asing??!!
tengok...gmbar love tu pon ak tk pndai nak cari yang lawa...lntak laa..mmg ak tk reti nk beromantik2 or wat so once ak ckp ak suke org tu...ak suke ak tau..*psst mawad haram aa bnda nie* yeah i know..cme ak nk ckp ak terhiris jgak biler mr.f bg fon kat miss.h :'( itu je ak nk ckap..ape2 pn. Ya Allah kuatkanlah hati hamba Mu ini...ampunkan  segala dosaku Ya Allah..

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

number tHree

Salam..AND a veerrryy good day folks!Well, all of us know that Allah is the most powerful right??He owns all over the world..Ap yg ade di langit dan apa yang ada di bumi…so now let us sit back and think.*urmmm???...* If Allah owns everything, not only the things in this world, he also owns the past, the present and the future so why not just obey whatever He said with the help of His Messenger Muhammad PBUH sunnah? Put your faith on Him and let the rest of your business went smoothly.As in the Quran said:

 al-Hajj 40.
“sesiapa yang menolong agama Allah pasti Allah akan menolongnya.”
Open your eyes open your heart. Yes it’s true most of us right now might be thinking that being a true muslimah is ‘skema’ or old fashion but if you realise nowadays there are a lot of way people convey Islam in such not ‘skema’ way…plus..

"Islam akan datang dalam keadaan asing, dan akan kembali asing. Maka beruntunglah orang-orang yang asing."
[Hadith Riwayat Muslim]

Okay kite tgok vdeo ni plak…

*click untk play*
See??and that’s cool.So sape kate kmbali pada islam itu tak cool.??it’s awesome laah..bukak lah hati, doa and terus berusaha dgan amalan2 kite..mohon hidayah itu diberikan dan dikekalkan di dalam jiwa.sbb once Allah dan bg hidayah tu jagalah.. takot2 Dia tarik balik kalau kite buat main2..pesanan untk dri sendiri jgak.. Hidayah Allah itu perlu dicari dan jodoh itu perlu dinanti n that’s all I think , thank you..hope u get something  iA :D c u next update...;) iA

Monday, 26 March 2012

number tWo

salam AND...a Veeerrry good day folks...:) urm..mayb i should change that greetings...or perhaps that could be my tagline..*urm...thinking for a while* clap my hands! so dear readers..i think i want to be it as my tagline...*ahahhaahah..* 
      Now readers..for this post i want to talk about someone that should be veeeerrrryy special in everyone heart...well i bet u..ur brain must be storming of ur boyfriend face,ur bestfriends face,ur cat's face or perhaps ur favourite singer's face liiikee....najwa latiff???haaa???!!huhu...well my lovely readers, if u think like that then hi-5!! u are a normal person..but let us give a chance to ourselves to be a better person than a normal person do..a verry special person in ur life should be ...

UR MOM! this is wat happened to me when i lied to her..*urm..??* or technically not lie to her..juz hiding something from her...and of coz something u hide from ur mom must be a bad matter how hard u keep that secret...juz remember that Allah s.w.t is watching..n again reminder for me too if u think u are verrrryy good in keeping secret... be careful..*creepy sounds played* Allah are much..much..much more better in revealing ur secrets* oooh SNAP!*yeah that's true...

so all i want to say ur mom..don't ever lie to ur mom..n the most important part is love ur Allah n his messenger ,Muhammad PBUH..bcoz in wat ever u do in this world..remember u owe him..everything u have in ur hands now..everything u juz borrow from Him..or simply said..U OWN NOTHING! *ooo SNAP*yeah!

He own da world..kite hdop cme why not just follow His rule...after all this world belong to who are we to simply do watever we want on His Earth..Dont u have shame??!!* ooh SNAP* so i think that should be enough for this post..all i mention above is for myself too...INGAT TUU MAWAD* ooh SNAP!*so salam...c u on the next post ;) iA

Sunday, 25 March 2012

number oNe...

salam...and a veeeeryyy good day folks! so,well i don't know where does this brilliant idea *huh?? of writing a BLOG?? A BLOG!! comes from..urm..perhaps,thanks to a few of my friend that have blog and updated it me trying to post something fun..light BUT...beneficial..iA ;)

so that's my simple mimple introduction*wink ;) so there is my 'About Me' can read there in whatever tone u like...but plizz do read it as nice as u can...huhu..

oohoo...sebelum sye ni jgak kemungkinan besar akan di update using both language: english and Malay..sorry for the *bahasa rojak* see u next  update..ola!