Thursday, 12 April 2012

number sIx

salam and a very good day folks...okay post kali ni jika dilihat pada tarikhnya pasti kalian2 yang sememangnya peka pada isu semasa rakyat msia pasti mengetahui  tentang amaran tsunami yg dikeluarkan dan telah pun ditarik balik...right???SOooooo...da question is....*Jeng..jeng..* adakah amaran dr Allah juga ditarik balik???OOH SNAP..sit ..and think *wink

but overall..praise to Him..everything is alright..tak da kemalangan jiwa dilaporkan...*eh ye ke??ko tak bce paper ni mawad...*okay sya mngaku sya pun tk tau ade kemalangan jiwa atau tidak...What actually i want to stress is..People..come on.. open your heart let our brain think..bila jadi sesuatu mcm musibah gempa bumi ni sure all of this very critical point u will plead and beg only to Him ..Right??so logical thinking...* plus minus plus minus so the answer will be....* deep in every soul we believes that there are the in this case..or should i change every case..the Creator is our Lord..Allah.. :D He's the most why not just turn to Him in every seconds not only in hard moments..but also in happy moments...peringtan untk dri sndiri offense..just want to invite ur brain to think ;) that's all i u all

Monday, 2 April 2012

HappY Bday dear :)

salam and... a very good day folks...tadaaaaaaa...huhu see the title of this post???happy bday dear????OMG *psssst* mawad has a new boyfriend...Oookaaay n cut!stop right there....okay post kali nie sememangnya khas bt someone yg special dalam hidup dear you...plizz balik rndu awak skang nie...tolong jga dri awak baik2...awak jauh tk dpat nk jaga saya harap sngat...relationship kite nie selamanya berkekaln...happy bday...smoga betmbah umur bertambh juga amal nye...harap kite sntiasa dalam redhaNya...i love you dear ;)

all this post was meant to be to my dearest, Shahira Amerudin :D